Sometimes, I wish I still lived during the time before cell phones were invented. I remember my childhood vividly. It was awesome. We only got TV an hour a day, a little bit more if it was the weekend. We actually asked our parents’ permission before turning the TV on, and when the time was up, it had to be turned off. My mom was so committed to raising us, she watched our every move. I used to love how she greeted us in the mornings. Those warm hugs that made us feel so much love undistracted by phones, iPads or laptops -- we didn't have any of those. All we had was a standard PC that everyone had to take turns to use. We had to turn it off when we were done with it. We had a landline phone that I remember running to answer every time it rang. 

That was it. We were actually living our lives; playing with the sand outside, going over to our grandma’s house in the evenings, getting soaking wet washing the cars, watering the plants, watching Umi (Mother) bake cakes. Our favorite was her original Victoria sponge with buttercream and peanuts. She made it a point to take us out every evening where we’d all play together. She would sit us at the balcony and tell us interesting stories, engaging us with each and every word she uttered. I remember her to reciting the Quran every night after the Maghrib prayer to which we’d fall asleep just listening to her calm tones as she’d recite. It's was beautiful, it was peaceful. 

My father on the other hand, was firm, yet caring. He’d check our school bags and go through our books with us. He’d tell us what we did wrong and make us correct our mistakes even if our teachers didn’t ask us to. We’d actually play with him and he’d read to us. Nonetheless, the attention was pure. No distractions. They were great. I had the best childhood a daughter could ever have.

Now that I'm a parent myself, I try my best to be like my own parents. I want to treat my kids the way they treated me. I remember being treated that way and it was pure happiness. But as much as I try, there’s just too much distraction. Nowadays we have laptops, phones, what’s worse is this whole smartphone invention with Whatsapp and all these other useless apps that aim to take our attention away from the beauty of life itself. It’s crazy how our lives revolve around them. Sometimes I get so mad at myself for spending too much time on the phone, so I just toss it away angrily, asking myself, “What is wrong with me?!” Then I look at my daughter as she’s entertaining herself watching cartoons. I hate seeing her getting caught up watching things. But then when the phone beeps, I go back and reach for it to see what (or who) it was. It’s overwhelming how we tell our kids not to watch too much TV or not to play with the phone. But we do it and then we expect our children not to do what we do. Constantly.

When we get up from bed, we check our phones, after shower we check our phones, while eating we see if there’s something we can watch while we’re eating, before bed we check our phones again. What’s happening to our children at that moment? They're playing alone with their toys and are they really enjoying themselves? They tell us, "Mama, play with me!", what do we say? "Sorry, I have to clean the house" or "Wait, I'm on the phone". I see people telling their kids to shut up so they can watch or read the news when their child is grabbing their hand asking them "play with me, Dad!". I see people at the park pushing their kids on the swings but tapping away on their phones. And when their child talks to them, they respond with half-assed responses, like, "yeah?”, “really?”, “wow!". Do we really listen to everything our kids are trying to share with us? They try to get our attention, try their best to impress us so that maybe Mom will put down the phone and compliment me like she means it. And when they grow up we wonder why they don't pay attention to us. Let's just hope one day they don't chuck us in a nursing home, throw a super smartphone at us and say, "here spend time with this". ‘Cause honestly at this rate we deserve it. I don't want this anymore. I want to see my children grow properly, listen to everything they have to say and let them know they can talk to me, let them know they’re my priority. 
To everyone who’s reading this and feel the same way that I do, here’s some advice: Turn off your laptops when you’re done with work. Put it away. Don't start watching another useless TV series. Pick up your phone for calls only. Messages can wait. Create a beautiful childhood for your kids before it’s too late. We can do this! Together, we can raise happier and contented children for a better future.


Ive have been raised in a very happy home, both my parents are very much family oriented, every weekend they never fail to spend time with us, they would plan a picnic, plan a road trip, basically anything just to get us out of the house and interact with each other. The stereotype of a happy family you see on TV family playing together, laughing and having a good time, singing in the car, that was exactly how i remember my childhood was.  Ive always loved this about my family. 

Now that I have a family of my own I wanted to give my kids what Ive experienced as a child, I remember how happy I was as a child. So despite my husband's busy schedule I always plan a day out with the kids in the weekends. 

Last month we went to Willows farm village in st. albans, its was AMAZING! the weather was good, its was a perfect day out. Despite the entry fee of £13.++ each, which is a bit steep, I think it was worth every penny. It was better than the London Zoo that cost £25 roughly per person.

The key to having a fully productive day out is to go out early, thats what i believed,  and how I was raised, my father was very  particular about time, and i grew up being like him, HOWEVER I am married to my beloved husband who's weakness is that he can't get out of bed early. so we ended up arriving at about 12.30pm. 

There was so many things to do here, the first thing you would notice is that this place is beautiful, i always love a country side, haven't got the chance to visit that many country side yet. but In shaa allah (god willing) one day I will be able to. And the first thing you see also is this young driver zone, where children can ride "tractors" Shifa had so much fun riding it, well while we do the pushing. from here I realised that she wasn't ready for a bicycle because she doesn't paddle, and I am not a very patience person so daddy does the teaching.  

When you enter they you do get a leaflets of the activities that will take place on the day and what time, so you can plan your day better, we didn't really bother orginizing too much, we just thought we're here, shifts having fun, let her decide what she wants to do.

at about 1.30 a mascot made an appearance, apparently its a cartoon character ( shifa don't watch that many cartoons so i have no idea what the mascot's called. You guys probably know). Its probably some pokemon character or something. But while others was gathering here shifa had no interest what so ever and just walked away. Typical of shifa.

You know those rides that you see in the mall that usually cost about £2 a ride, shifa love those, and this "marry go round" rides is one of the part where i felt money well spent, because your kids can go on in as many time as you want at no additional cost. so shifa rides almost all of them round and round she went till she gets bored and said "oh look" again.

and then there was the area where kids can play with sand.

And there was the indoor play area called "wooly jumpers" and parents can slide too so weeeeeeeee...... !!! but remember to bring socks along if you are not wearing them already. otherwise they won't allow you in the play area, they do sell socks, but why buy when you can bring them from home eh?

and there was also a smaller play area for toddlers, its gated so i say just find the best seat near the play area. and have some tea while keeping an eye on your toddlers while they play. 

there are also some animals you can pet like rabbits and Guinea pigs, you can fee the horse and sheeps. after all it is a farm i almost forget that for a moment, too excited over the slide.  I will let the pictures do the talking.


my pictures are limited, but we didn't even finish playing with everything, we didn't even play at their playground with swings and sand pits etc, but we did go on the tractor ride, that I don't particularly enjoy it was way too noisy, but comparing this place with the zoo, i would definitely take shifa here again.

bye willows farm, hope to see you again soon ;)


I used to think that I can't wear any colour, no colours would look good on me, I literally only wear black and dark blue. 
Then i discover make up, and starts experimenting with make up, but still every time i see someone wears red lipstick i would think " hell no". UNTIL

I found the NARS pure matte lipstick in the shade Vesuvio. It changes the way I look at red lipstick. It is a bit dry ( IT IS a pure matter lipstick after all), I recommend you moisturise your lips well the night before if you're planning to wear the lipstick on its on the next day, unless you're wearing it with lipgloss over the top. This red lipstick is so beautiful, I was in love.

The colour is not in your face red, and there is a little bit of orange tone to it. Its just perfection. I know a lot of people have said that it has a long staying power, even after eating or drinking, Its true, but for me it can go away almost completely most of the time because I tend to eat like cookie monster.

  NARS pure matte lipstick in vesuvio 

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