Infused Water

As cliche as it may sound, Ive never felt better in my life, I feel better now, than I did when I was in my 20's. I feel stronger, fresher, and my metabolism is better. Now I cant wait to go clothes shopping, Last month I can barely look at myself in the mirror with all the fat spilling from everywhere. I have made a routine to have this infused water everyday. Its my favourite.


1 lemon sliced
Half a cucumber sliced
a few mint leaves
a little bit of ginger.

Just put them all in a jar, fill the jar up with water, and keep it in the fridge overnight. Drink it all the next morning. Since its Ramadhan now, I have this during my iftar. This is great especially if you're trying to loose some belly fat.

Welcome Ramadhan

Its the third day of the holy Ramadhan, Its great to be given another chance going through another ramdhan, I've been waiting for this day as I have made a promise myself to better myself and I will be taking full advantage of the month to improve my Ibadah and may this ramadhan be the best ramadhan I've had. Make the most of everyday, and what you don't do today, be sure to do it tomorrow and continue to make today better than yesterday.

Week 2 eating clean!

Week 2 of eating clean is going well, at first it was hard because I love savoury food, I tend to crave it more than anything sweet. But thats what usually happen, I crave savoury food, so I eat whatever and then after the meal, I would want something sweet, and after that I would need something savoury again. so it goes on and on in a circle. So eating clean has helped me destroy this unhealthy circle of eating I've had. So now, in the morning I would have a green smoothie with bunch of vegetables and fruits. for lunch I would have a plate of vegetables with some fish or chicken. and after I snack on fruits and nuts and I drink a lot of water throughout. I feel great. But the first few days it was hard, I had headaches and and feel nausea but I guess it's just my body adjusting to my new diet. Now I don't even crave rice, I'm surprise that I got over rice this quick, considering how much I love rice, and all things sweet! I guess I under estimated my self control after all! Im so proud of myself for sticking to it. And Inshaallah (god willing) I will continue to make this a lifestyle not just part of the loosing weight goal.
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